Monday, June 11, 2012

Ministry in the City

I just realized I had some ministry photos hiding in my phone! 
So here's to Ministry in the City over the last few months.

Stuart preaches on "Lost and Found" at Asamblea Cristiana.

My students at Anna Sanders Bible Institute prepare for exams.

No worries, this new believer is being baptized and not drowned :)
In fact, our home church baptized about 20 new believers recently. 

A time of worship and celebration accompanied the baptismal service.

What's a celebration without food!

I made Italian Easter bread for the occasion. Mexicans sure love Italian food :)

Using visual aids during my sermon.

Some of the traffic we have to deal with here in the big city. 
Thank goodness (and the Indiana youth) for Speed the Light!

Sí, hablamos español - más o menos :)


  1. Good to hear you and Wendy and the family are doing great! I enjoy looking at the pics, my how we have grown in the Grace of God!

    Brian and Kim

  2. I'm sure Stuart would love to hear from you. You can email him at -Wendy
