Tuesday, September 26, 2017

What brings us together

Just over a week ago, Mexico's Independence Day brought a nation together to celebrate. Likewise, Stuart and I joined together with our friends and family at Teen Challenge Mexico (Reto a la Juventud) that Sunday afternoon to enjoy their festivities.

Lively songs, traditional dress, and wonderful food brought a smile to everyone's face.

Only a few days later, though, a tragedy brought the nation together once again. We watched firsthand as Mexico City rallied in unity, not in celebration, but in collaboration with local emergency personnel to rescue the trapped, give aid to the hurting, and comfort the distressed.

As clean-up, rescue and recovery efforts continue throughout our city, signs of hope and encouragement pop-up as well. The sign posted below replaces the building collapsed above. 

Neighbors give tribute to the lives lost and thanks to all who helped.

This past Sunday, our love and concern for everyone at Teen Challenge Mexico brought Stuart and I back to worship in unity with our friends and family: The Lord is in this place.

El Señor esta en este lugar. El Señor esta en este lugar. Para sanar, para curar, Para romper toda obra de maldad. Para sanar, para librar mi alma.

You Can Help!
The need is great in Mexico City, as well as Oaxaca, Chiapas and surrounding areas affected by the intense earthquakes that shook our cities. You can make a tangible difference by giving directly to our relief efforts here: Mexico Earthquake Relief fund   

The need is also great in our own Puerto Rico, recently devastated by Hurricane Maria. Let's all be as generous as we can today to help our fellow Americans: Hurricane Maria Response

Mexico City Missive ~ Special Report: After the earthquake

Monday, September 11, 2017

No easy journey

Every resident at Teen Challenge Mexico enters the program at different stages of recovery. Some while still reeling from the effects of withdrawal. Others after months of soul-searching. Regardless, Stuart and I watch and wait, pray and rejoice over every milestone reached, every hill conquered.

Theirs is no easy journey. Each graduate testifies of the struggle and the heartache that accompany the process of recovery. Indeed, for every life mended and every relationship restored all must acknowledge and grieve that which cannot be recovered or healed. Yet hope remains. Though consequences can never be ignored, in Christ lives can always be redeemed.

With this hope, day after day, week after week our front row guys persist. Because they know (and we know) Jesus can move mountains.

Cristo puede mover montes
¡Sólo Dios puede salvar,
mi Dios puede salvar!
Por siempre, autor de salvación
Jesús la muerte venció,
Él la muerte venció

If you or someone you love in Mexico has a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, click on the link below. ¿Problemas con el uso y abuso de las drogas y alcohol? Hay solución.