Monday, April 28, 2014

Things to do before I turn FIFTY

I long held the desire to continue my education and earn a master's degree, but ministry and family demands always seemed to take precedence. Finally a few years ago, I took the plunge and applied to Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Although my determination to graduate before I turned 50 seemed easy enough at the time - life happens! A change in ministry focus, language school and then adjustment to a new country left my studies on hold for a few years. But I am happy to say that this weekend I will graduate and meet my goal with a few days to spare :)

Yet this year is also special because all the women in our family will be graduating!

This is me back in 1986 as a senior at Southern Connecticut State University, where I earned my first under-grad degree. Soon after I moved to Florida and attended Southeastern University and studied for the ministry. Stuart and I graduated in 1990. Now in 2014, I get to walk the graduation line at Southwestern Assemblies of God University with my daughter Olivia to receive my master's in Bible and Theology.

#1 daughter, Olivia, graduated from Sojourn Academy in Costa Rica in 2010. This week she graduates with honors from SAGU with a counseling degree. 

Sophia rounds out our trio of  graduating seniors. On June 6, she will graduate from Leo High School and then she is onto Florida to complete the circle we began years ago to attend Southeastern University.

Hmm, now what should I do before I turn SIXTY?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

He Gave Them A Meal

It's an early morning for me this Holy Saturday as I continue to reflect on a profound thought N. T. Wright shares in his book, Simply Jesus:

When Jesus wanted to fully explain to his disciples what his forthcoming death was all about, he didn’t give them a theory. He didn’t even give them a set of scriptural texts. He gave them a meal.

Seems to me Jesus inherently knew that if you want your students to remember something very important, you give them an object lesson. I imagine, in later years whenever the disciples gathered together to share the Lord's Supper, they not only remembered Jesus' words that evening, they also recalled the smell of the roasted lamb, the feel of Jesus' hands washing their feet, and the sound of the musical festivities that hung in the air.

Tomorrow as we gather together, may our hearts and minds go back to that first time he gave us the meal - his last supper - and let us celebrate the new life and covenant it represents by remembering the sights and sounds of resurrection morn: He is risen! He is risen indeed!

I can't get away from Wright's thoughts, so here is the first in a three-part series I hope to write this Easter season beginning with He Gave Them a Meal

Enjoy and Happy Easter!


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Monday, April 14, 2014

Kýrie at the 9/11 Memorial

Sophia and I spent 3 jam-packed, fun-filled days in NYC with the Leo HS choir. One very special day included a visit to the 9/11 Memorial where the choir sang Kýrie by René Clausen. 

The One World Trade Center, or the Freedom Tower as it is colloquially known, stands tall above the Memorial.

Sophia and the Leo HS choir prepare to sing.

The choir's emotional rendition gathered a crowd who in turn showed their heartfelt appreciation with well-deserved praise and applause.

René Clausen wrote Kýrie in response to the events of 9/11. Actually, a part of a larger body of work, "Memorial," Kýrie is essentially a plea for peace and mercy.

As we head into Semana Santa or Holy Week as we call it here, may this be our prayer as well.

Monday, April 7, 2014

In which hope is just around the corner

I just hate it when I forget to take a picture when we visit churches. So you will just have to visit Pastor David and Jennifer Hollis at Cornerstone Assembly of God in Morocco, Indiana and see them for yourselves!

Regardless, we had a great time at Cornerstone Assembly a couple of weeks ago and we encourage you to visit this great church soon.

This past weekend we headed north to Lansing, Michigan and shared our hearts for Mexico City with Pastor Kevin and Renee Berry and the great people at Mount Hope Church.

We also thoroughly enjoyed our time with missions pastor Scott and Ruth Thompson.

Stuart met Scott and Ruth a couple of years back when they were dropping off their son Paul at Evangel University while Stuart was dropping off our son Wesley for his freshman year.

We are so grateful for the many missions-loving, generous-giving, Jesus-serving people we have met while traveling this year! 
Partnering with you in missions is a pleasure and an honor.

Thank you Pastor David and Jennifer, Pastor Kevin and Renee, and Pastor Scott and Ruth for helping us go beyond so all can hear.

Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us to proclaim release to the captives of drug addiction and human trafficking, and to set at liberty those who are oppressed by the sex trade? You can give a one-time gift or recurring monthly commitment. Let's make a difference together!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

It was like a missions convention, only with anime characters.

This weekend we happened to be in Lansing, MI visiting Mount Hope Church 
(more about that tomorrow), 
and lo and behold we run into an anime convention going on at the same time!

Not at Mount Hope Church, mind you, but in Lansing (in case you were confused).

Here are a few characters waiting in the lobby for the shuttle to the convention center.

I looked up the website for Shuto Con and came across their convention rules. 
I thought they seemed quite reasonable and even applicable for any convention 
(be it youth or district or whatever).
Tell me what you think.

  • No loitering in the narrow hallways of the hotel, traffic must remain flowing. We would suggest if you would like to hang out with a group of your friends that you do it in the larger common areas.
  • No lewd outfits are allowed. All clothing must be street legal. No “naughty parts” may be exposed (and please don't ask us to explain “naughty parts”). 
  • TAKE A SHOWER EVERY DAY, fanboy/girl funk will not be tolerated, and you will be asked to remove yourself from the public until the problem is resolved.
  • Signs are OK to have at our convention, however they may not ask for money, sell anything, and/or ask for sexual services (which includes kisses, but hugs are OK).
  • If you are going to glomp someone, please do it gently. 
  • No sleeping in the convention hall or common areas of the hotel, that's what hotel rooms are for. If you are caught sleeping in the convention hall or hotel common areas you will be asked to return to your room (or leave if you don't have a room).
  • No didgeridoos over 12ft (we don't want a repeat of last time).
  • Keep all activities in the convention hall within a PG-13 range. If you are in an 18+ event, go wild (but still please still be respectful).

Ok, so seriously, I had to look up glomp and didgeridoostoo (don't feel bad).

Yep, we felt right at home. Kind of like a missions convention, only with anime characters.