Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Compassionate Edge SEPT 2020

Hello Friends

What a summer it's been; full of traveling, training, and transitioning!

Dwight and Heather McConnell congratulate Stuart for posting the fastest time in his age group at CompassionLink's Walk-Run-Roll virtual 5k earlier this summer.

Stuart and I are grateful to churches throughout Indiana who hosted us in-person and virtually throughout the summer. In October, Stuart heads to New England (I wish I could go!) to be a part of the Southern New England Missions Tour. We have an immediate goal to raise $1000 in monthly support and $45,000 in cash offerings. Although international travel is currently hindered because of COVID, your support frees us to plan future travel with CompassionLink to assist our missionaries and community leaders worldwide in 2021. 

We say it all the time, AGWM is a team. And at CompassionLink we are a team of experienced, educated, and equipped missionary personnel who partner with missionaries, community leaders, and ministers across the globe. In a nutshell, we serve those who serve; we equip those who equip; we train those who train. Your partnership helps us to strengthen relationships between missionary and minister, minister and community leader, and community leader and community. In other words, your support allows us to foster the proclamation and the demonstration of the gospel in tangible ways!

Our CompassionLink team includes educated, experience, and equipped cross-cultural workers eager to learn more to serve our missionaries and community leaders around the world more effectively. Recently, the team headed to the Royal Ranger campground for three days of shallow well training.

As you already know, CompassionLink is a part of International Ministries (IM); one of the seven global regions of Assemblies of God World Missions. As the new Regional Missionary Trainer for International Ministries, Wendy (me) is responsible for teaching and promoting our AGWM competencies. Recently, I met with our new Regional Training Team (leaders from all the ministries under the umbrella of IM) to discuss and plan our monthly competency focus in our respective ministry fields.

At International Ministries our AGWM competency focus for the month of September is Missionary Life & Work.

Check out the events planned for CompassionLink

If you're in the area, join us!

On Oct 6, tour our aquaponics-equipped greenhouse and enjoy a delicious tilapia dinner at our third annual Fish Fry! 

Stuart and CL colleagues prepare the aquaponics-raised tilapia for the fish fry.

Cast for Compassion! 
Join CompassionLink for a day of trout fishing on Oct 15 2020, at Lake Taneycomo in Branson, MO. Your participation help CL provide first aid packs to international communities, and allows us continue to serve people with disabilities around the world. REGISTER HERE

THANK YOU for your kindness, consideration, generosity, and support.
We can do what we do because of people like you!


Almighty and eternal God,
so draw our hearts to you,
so guide our minds,
so fill our imaginations,
so control our wills,
that we may be wholly yours,
utterly dedicated unto you;
and then use us, we pray you, as you will,
and always to your glory and the welfare of your people;
through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. (BCP)

Grace and Peace

Stuart & Wendy