Monday, September 29, 2014

It's a jungle out there!

At least it was in Muncie this past weekend when we spoke at Northside Assembly of God during their missions convention!

Deep in the Northside jungle, we shared the gospel among all kinds of wildlife :)

Apparently though the turtle and fish had quite the adventure that night when their pond sprung a leak. Word has it the turtle survived the field trip, but the fish may not have been so lucky.

After meeting with the teens, the adventurous young adults enjoyed a buffet of missionary food, including octopus, seaweed, pig's feet and other delicacies. 

Stuart & I had a wonderful weekend with lead pastor Carl & Diane Bowden as well as youth pastor Casey, and children's pastors Stephen & Elizabeth. Thanks so much for your heartfelt prayers and generous support!

You too can partner with us to proclaim release to the captive of drug addiction and to set at liberty those who are oppressed by the sex trade. Let's make a difference together!

Monday, September 22, 2014

A full week of miles and smiles

Feels like we spent a lot of time due north as well as in the northwest part of our state this week. 

Last Monday we enjoyed a marvelous time of prayer at the Christian Celebration Center in Midland, MI before meeting with the Latin America/Caribbean missions council and team members. 

The evening began with a time of worship, a faith declaration, and then prayer for every supported missionary and the various regions of the world.

Look! They support our former neighbors and missionary colleagues Randy and Linda Lindsey!

On Tuesday, Stuart dropped me off in Fort Wayne and then headed down to Princeton, IN for the Southern Area Ministers Meeting. He arrived home late on Tuesday, rested up on Wednesday, and then we found ourselves in Merrillville once again on Thursday.

We stayed at the home of Christian and Cristina Pellegrini-Rath. A native of Tuscani, Cristina served a meal to die for :) After an update with missions committee members Tedd and Lexa, we spent a better part of the evening talking food and missions. Which come to think of it, is usually the topic of conversation whenever cross-cultural servants get together!

The following day, Stuart and I participated in a missions update and thank you video before speaking at the Oasis luncheon at Living Hope Church
What a fun group of people!

So thankful to Beverly (Oasis pastor), Cristina (phenomenal hostess), Living Hope Church, Pastor Todd Matchett and the missions committee for a great couple of days and their faithful support all these years.

On Saturday, Stuart shared breakfast with Pastor Bob Monroe and the men of Kendallville Assembly of God. Unfortunately, Stuart is out of town today and with him the photos he took of the event :) I'll put them up when he gets back.

Yesterday, we headed down to Diversity Church in Indianapolis with Pastor Jonathan and Nicole Ember. We are thankful for their support and vision for their community and the world. If you're in their neck of the woods next week, be sure to stop by Garfield Park Art Center for a Taste of Diversity. Looks like a lot of fun!

Interested in partnering with us to proclaim release to the captives of drug addiction and to set at liberty those who are oppressed by the sex trade? Just click here to donate on line!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Unexpected visitors, a last minute invitation, and other nice stuff

Friday evening we received an unexpected call from friends and fellow missionaries to Mexico City, Peter and Delia Breit. They were on their way to Fort Wayne for a missions convention with the Midwest Latin America District of the Assemblies of God.

So before we headed out to the northwest section of the State on Saturday, Stuart jointed Peter at Templo Aposento Alto with Pastor Samuel Castillo, who hosted the event.

Here are all the cute Breit kids posing for the obligatory MK photo. 
Alas, I remember those days, as do our kids :)

Stuart greets the pastors of the Midwest Latin America District.
He enjoyed worshiping in Spanish once again, as well as the challenging missions message from Peter to the congregation.
Thanks for the invitation!

Yesterday, we joined Hobart Assembly of God with Pastor Ryan and Rebecca McDowell. We shared both services with Larry Tomczak before heading down to children's church.

If you see them, ask the kids about the parable of The Lost Peso.

Big thanks to Pastor Ryan and Rebecca, and Hobart Assembly for their warm reception as well as Larry Tomczak for his prayers and words of encouragement to us. 

We have a busy, busy week this week. Please pray for us as we travel to Michigan tonight, Princeton, IN tomorrow, Merrillville, IN on Thursday, and Kendallville, IN on Saturday morning. 

Feliz Día de la Independencia, México!

Please partner with us prayerfully and financially so that we can proclaim release to the captive of drug addiction and human trafficking, and to set at liberty those who are oppressed by the sex trade. 
We can make a difference together!

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Great Requirement

No long commute for us this weekend. We stayed local and attended the Saturday evening service at Fort Wayne First Assembly. Our church celebrated with a Ministry Fair parade and a strong encouragement from Pastor Ron to utilize our talents for the community of faith and the kingdom of God.

Sunday morning we trekked over to Taylor Chapel United Methodist Church with Pastor Steve Conner who preached from Micah 6.8 in a message entitled “The Great Requirement:”

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.

Pastor Steve explored the true essence and complexity of justice. Very often we think of justice in the punitive sense, but justice is so much more than payback for a wrong committed. Real justice seeks to bring about redemption and restoration.

Micah also reminds us that the great requirement is three-fold: we must act justly as well as love mercy as we walk humbly with our God. We are a people in process. Thankfully, the Lord's lovingkindness – his mercies – are renewed every morning. May we humbly be as patient with others as God is with us through the process of being conformed to the image of his Son.

We look forward to our return to Mexico City for this very reason; to view and participate in God's merciful acts of justice among those who desperately need it. Please pray for us as we continue to itinerate and raise funds, for Teen Challenge Mexico (Reto a la Juventud), and for the victims and survivors of human trafficking. 

Partner with us in ministry.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Before you grill out today ...

Let's pray for the unemployed - men & women, young & old who desire to utilize their education and their experience to care for themselves and their families.

Heavenly Father, we remember before you those who suffer want and anxiety from lack of work. Guide the people of this land so to use our public and private wealth that all may find suitable and fulfilling employment, and receive just payment for their labor; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

From The Book of Common Prayer

Photo credit