Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Practice of Wearing Skin

proclaiming & demonstrating the good news

A few months back, a Twitter friend recommended a book I never heard of, An Altar in the World, by Barbara Brown Taylor. Intrigued by the title, I quickly checked it out of the library, read it devotionally, and contemplated the author's insights for the next few weeks.

One chapter in particular captured my attention, “The Practice of Wearing Skin.” Here Taylor laments the Christian's love/hate relationship with their bodies. She writes, “I am not sure when Christian tradition lost confidence in the body, but I have some guesses. Although Jesus was a Jew, many of his earliest interpreters were Greeks, who divided body and soul in ways that he did not.”

I find this unfortunate distaste for the physical, and the tendency to divide body and soul, especially prevalent among American believers. Our inclination to compartmentalize has given way to the idea that somehow our physicality is of minor importance (or even inherently sinful), therefore we need to relegate it to the back of the line behind our soul and/or spirit (as if that were even possible). But alas, as Taylor reminds us “every spiritual practice begins with the body.”

God created his humanity as beautifully complex, yet whole, integrated beings. We should not try to fragment or compartmentalize our persons. Our physicality is not evil, rather God created our bodies with intentionality. Neither is our physical self less important to God than our so-called spiritual self. Remember, Jesus dwelt among humanity in the flesh. He touched the leper with human hands. He suffered and died in a body. He rose again physically. Indeed, our hope lies in our own bodily resurrection as well. Therefore, our bodies, and our attitudes toward them, matter to God.

Why is this important? Because when we endeavor to minister to people we need to minister to them wholly. If somehow we believe that certain parts of the human existence are less important, we may be tempted to neglect select felt needs. However, Jesus models for us the proper way to care for humanity. Jesus preached to the masses, and he fed the multitude. Jesus taught in the synagogues, and he healed the sick. Jesus mentored his disciples, and he washed their feet.

Taylor calls this the “daily practice of the incarnation.” During the Last Supper, Jesus gave his disciples “concrete things to do – specific ways of being together in their bodies – that would go on teaching them what they needed to know when he was no longer around.” As the body of Christ, the Lord invites us to the daily practice of the incarnation. That is to say, to heartily proclaim and to practically demonstrate his wondrous good news to his beloved humanity.

Such is our heart for the people of Mexico City, especially those held captive in life-threatening addictions or oppressed by human traffickers. Stuart and I covet your prayers and appreciate your financial support. May we lovingly participate in the daily practice of the incarnation as Jesus so wisely taught us to do.

May we humbly ask you to please prayerfully consider a monetary donation today. After a year of itinerating, we still have a lot of ground to make up. But every one-time gift or monthly commitment brings us closer to our return to Mexico City. Thank you!

Printable PDF (Summer 2014)

Monday, August 18, 2014


Our global story has been one of the most amazing aspects of the past one hundred years. It is truly fitting that our Centennial be global in nature!
–Jim Bradford, General Secretary AG USA

Indeed, delegates of the Assemblies of God worldwide celebrated our Centennial in Springfield, MO last week and Stuart and I were so excited to be a part of it.

The Church is beautified by the spread of the gospel.
–Dick Brogden, Missionary Church Planter

Where justice and compassion meet - Justice is God's end result. Compassion is the motivation.
–Dr Ivan Satyavrata, Pastor, Kolkata, India

Amazing speakers like the president of Ghana, missionaries, church planters and pastors greeted and challenged our fellowship throughout the week because God's work is not done!

"Developing, Connecting & Resourcing vocational female ministers & women preparing for ministry"
–The Network for Women in Ministry

I signed the wall of credentialed women at their popular exhibit. Honored to be a part of the sisterhood.

Stuart joined with hundreds of other attendees and added his signature to the Centennial wall. 

The AG Centennial was a celebration of the past, but it inspired many for what is to come.
–Charisma Magazine

Jesus moved toward the people that were different from him.
–Wifredo de Jesus, Pastor, New Life Covenant, Chicago

How I wish you could have been there to hear the passionate Wilfredo de Jesus, the courageous Adelita Garza, the linguistically gifted Jason Frenn, and the timely Dick Brogden. Fortunately you can access their archived videos here as well as many others. 

May I implore you to listen with a open heart; consider carefully your response; pray intentionally for our world, and obey immediately the Spirit's call.

We must have our Calvary before we have our Pentecost.
–Dick Brogden, Missionary Church Planter

Monday, August 4, 2014

Diverse: varied; manifold; divergent

How I love the beauty of these words for they describe not only God's wondrous universe but also his wondrously remarkable church. The older I get, the more I despise stereotypes. It is not our job to label people or define their roles. But it is our privilege to help them find who they truly are in Christ and then celebrate their uniqueness.
Stuart met with Jonathan Ember this week, pastor of Diversity Church in Indianapolis. Isn't that a great name! Diversity Church passionately pursues God and all kinds of people. Sounds like a missional community to me. We are so grateful they have committed to partnering with us ministry.

Yesterday, the children of Fort Wayne's Southwest Assembly touched (and organized) everything on our missions table. We loved it! After the service, they picked up their promised centavo as well as a prayer card. 

When not preaching in "big church," Stuart and I love to share missions in children's church. Let us know when we can share The Parable of the Ten Pesos with your youngsters.

After heading south yesterday, we then headed north to the Assembly of God in Angola with Pastor Ron and Marsha Moore.

Stuart and I so appreciate Southwest Assembly and Angola Assembly who have faithfully supported us since we became missionaries. We value the partnerships we have forged over the years and the friendships we have made. 

I'll end this post as we'll end this week - with a call to celebration. Stuart and I will be traveling to Springfield, MO this weekend for the Assemblies of God Centennial Celebration. If you are going to be there, look for us at the LAC Exhibit. 

After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands. And they were shouting with a great roar,Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!” Rev 7.9-10

***We would love to spread the word about missions and what God is doing in Mexico City in your church. 
We can meet you for lunch or coffee. 
We can preach or teach on Sundays or Wednesdays (or Mondays or Tuesdays or ... well you get the idea). 
We love sharing in home groups, men's or women's groups, or as I already mentioned, in any children's gathering.
Give us a call or drop us an email.
Stuart's cell: 260.409.6756 Stuart's email: