Monday, September 5, 2016

A safe place to emerge

What an adventure trying to locate a parking space in Mexico City, especially on Saturdays when Stuart and I go teach English at Teen Challenge. Sometimes it takes a few turns around the block. Sometimes a few more. Sometimes, alas, a few more than that.

This past Saturday, we happened to park in front of this little guy. I have no idea what form will emerge from this cocoon in the days or weeks to come, but I had to marvel at the fact he chose a random light pole in the middle of Mexico City as his place of transformation. Mind you, a tree stands not three feet to the left. Yet this guy hangs here, only waist high from the ground apparently oblivious to curious children, stray dogs, constant traffic, and any number of potential disruptions.

I realize Mexico City may not seem like the most hospitable place to encourage new life. However, whether you are an emerging butterfly or a recovering addict, transformation is always possible when we meet certain conditions: dedication to change, perseverance through the process, and a safe place to emerge. 

Stuart and I are pleased to be a part of Teen Challenge, a ministry that offers all this, plus the power of the Holy Spirit, to aid the recovering addict in his transformation. Throughout the year we have joyfully witnessed successful transformations as men have dedicated themselves to follow through with the program and have subsequently emerged new creations in Christ. 

Unfortunately, Stuart and I have also witnessed aborted attempts; those who left the program to return to their former life. Although we grieve for them, we trust the Lord has not abandoned them. God knows their name, he knows where they are, and will continue to call them back to a better life. That is his nature.

I've been giving the little guy above a lot of thought these last few days. I hope the best for him; I hope he survives the transformation stage. I hope he emerges strong and free. Stuart and I hope the same for the guys at Teen Challenge Mexico. Thank you for your prayers.

Blessed Lord, you ministered to all who came to you: Look with compassion upon all who through addiction have lost their health and freedom. Restore to them the assurance of your unfailing mercy; remove from them the fears that beset them; strengthen them in the work of their recovery; and to those who care for them, give patient understanding and persevering love. Amen. (BCP)

If you believe in the ministry of Teen Challenge, you can partner with us financially to help set the captive free. We gratefully receive and fully appreciate any amount donated. Thank you.

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