Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Pentecostal Countdown

We just returned from our District Council where we had the opportunity to listen to one of the greatest missionary speakers, Dr. Greg Mundis (the Executive Director of AGWM), preach on Pentecostal Empowerment. I loved it when he said, "God's plan is an incarnate witness," because I've been preaching this all year: 

The Spirit of Pentecost is the Spirit of missions and the Spirit of missions is relational. God entrusts his message with his people, God empowers his people with his Spirit, and then he sends them to go into all the world because missions must be incarnational. It must be relational.

Christ's compassion and hope motivate us to engage our community, but the Spirit of Pentecost empowers us to go and make disciples. Stuart and I are returning to Mexico City because the Spirit of Pentecost has empowered us and because missions is relational.

As Roger Stronstad has said, Pentecost "is not just a spiritual blessing; it is a responsibility." In other words, a true Pentecostal embraces the missional command of Jesus to send, to go, and to make disciples.

I feel like I've posted this photo a gazillion times now. Well, here's to a gazillion and one because only 10 days remain to gather all our funds in at AGWM and receive financial clearance to return to Mexico City. 

We are so encouraged by how so many of you have responded. Hardly a day goes by without a pastor calling to say they received a special offering for us or an individual emails and writes they prayed for us and then dropped a check in the mail for our work account. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are making the climb to the top of the Itineration Pyramid possible. If you would like to join the journey with us just click here. If you prefer snail mail, just send your offering (with our name and account # (251128) in the memo line) to: 

1445 N Boonville Ave 
Springfield, MO 65802

Thanks again and let the countdown begin! 

Spring 2015 Newsletter

Monday, May 18, 2015

Let's Speed the Light from Bethel to Beyond

Didn't have a long drive yesterday as we hopped on over to Huntington, IN to be with Pastor Mike Pieart and the good people at Bethel Assembly of God. We enjoyed a beautiful time of worship, ministry, and prayer. Thank you Bethel Assembly for faithfully supporting us since the beginning of our missionary journey!

We're headed to the Indiana District Council today. While I'm attending the Credentialed Women's Luncheon, Stuart will meet and greet at the Speed the Light (STL) Luncheon. For those who don't know, STL provides "essential transportation and creative communication" for missionaries around the world.

In fact, Speed the Light has helped us conquer the mountainous terrain of Jamaica and the crazy-busy streets of Mexico City. Thank you Indiana District youth, youth pastors, and DYD Steve Furr for helping us Speed the Light in our corner of the world!

*Disclaimer: no STL funds were used to purchase the family dog. Just the vehicle :)

Just a short time remains to get all our funds in to receive financial clearance to return to Mexico City. Your generosity today will get us to the top of the Itineration Pyramid!

Monday, May 11, 2015

It's the King's Way or the highway

I didn't get to spend Mother's Day with my kids, but I think we spent it in the next best place possible. King's Way Assembly of God in Versailles, KY packed it all in yesterday as we discussed Pentecost and the mission of God in Sunday school with Pastors Josh and Kylie Roberts, honored Pastor Holly Divine upon receiving her ordination (seriously, can you think of a better signature than Rev. Holly Divine),

listened to a beautiful tribute to women and moms everywhere by Lisa Johnson, and then shared our ministry "interview style" with Pastor Jeff Johnson.

Lastly, we enjoyed a wonderful meal at Bella Notte with Pastors Josh and Kylie Roberts, and Kylie's parents, Jamie and Ellen Urquhart

Yes, the Kentucky sun was bright yesterday, but so were our hearts when we left for home. So actually it was the King's Way and then the highway for us, but we were OK with that :)

Thanks so much King's Way Assembly. You have supported us from the very beginning of our missionary adventure and we appreciate your great big heart for missions and missionaries!

Thanks everyone for your one-time donations and new monthly support. Pretty soon I'll be able share a photo of us dancing for joy on top of the Itineration Pyramid :)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Let Me Tell You What Love Does

Stuart and I spent a glorious weekend at Tri-County Assembly (TCA) as a part of their spring missions convention. 

First, Pastors William and Janelle Rodriguez invited us to share our ministry and preach the word on Saturday evening at their church Esperanza de Vida.

O, how we have missed being surrounded by Latino voices worshiping and praising God. There's nothing like it! What a beautiful group of people who love and pray for one another with abandon. 
Muchisimas gracias!

Here's someone many of my missionary friends know. Monica has been praying for our family and sending birthday cards to our kids since we were missionaries in Jamaica. She is a delightful woman with a genuine heart for missions and intense love for missionaries.

On Sunday morning, after a fun time of sharing in Sunday School, Randy Hurst encouraged and challenged us through the preaching of the word and with numerous testimonies of what Love Does in response to the Lord's leading in our lives.

At the close of the service, everyone prayed and considered their responsibility in the Great Commission to give, to send, and to go. The young people and kids of TCA set a big example by being the first to bring their faith promise cards to the altar.

Thank you Pastor Brad & Angie Rosenberg, Pastor Hugh & Joan Rosenberg, and the whole TCA family. You have supported us since the beginning of our missionary journey and you continue to amaze us with your kind and generous hearts. You are an example to all of us as to what Love Does:
Love prays, love remembers, love cares, loves gives, love sends, and love goes!

Spring 2015 Newsletter (It's the whole enchilada and then some)

The Button of Destiny (Not really, but you won't know where it leads unless you push it)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Itineration: an idiomatic ode to the end of the road

You know how it is. If it's not one thing it's another. Another day, another dollar. And so it goes. But I need to cut to the chase. The time is now. The end is near. It's Mexico City or bust by the first of June.

Drastic times call for drastic measures. But hold your horses, dear friends; no need to fear. I'm not pulling your leg or yanking your chain. I'm just going for broke and letting the cat out of the bag. We need your help.

I don't want to get in your face, under your skin, or drive you up a wall. But since you can't take it with you anyhow, why don't you take a leap of faith? Go out on a limb. Go the whole nine yards.

You may think I'm off my rocker; not playing with a full deck. But really, I'm just at the end of my rope and I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve. So could you put the pedal to the metal? Cut us a little slack? Send us some dough?

Make no bones about it, the process is a piece of cake. And For Pete's sake, it's quicker than a New York minute. Just push the button and make our day. I promise, it won't cost you an arm and a leg. Just a little faith.

Hats off to you, friends. It's time for us to get this show on the road. And your gift today will be the icing on the cake!

**But seriously folks, we just have a few more weeks to finish climbing the Itineration Pyramid and raise $15,474. Fortunately, because of the generosity of people like you, we are more than halfway there. All Assemblies of God World Missionaries must raise monthly support as well as a cash budget before we are given financial clearance and released to the mission field. The cash budget includes monies to pay for airfare to the field, rent/utilities deposits, language school, and visa expenses.

We eagerly look forward to returning to Mexico City to proclaim release to the captives of drug addiction and set at liberty those who are oppressed by the sex trade. 

Thank you!

Printable PDF Spring 2015

If you prefer, you can snail mail your offering to: 

1445 N Boonville Ave Springfield, MO 65802
Just put our name and account number (251128) in the memo line.