"Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor:
a modern-day form of slavery."
a modern-day form of slavery."
Psychology of Human Trafficking Updated from Thema Bryant-Davis on Vimeo.
Watch: I hope you take the time to watch this eye-opening video concerning human trafficking and the sex trade. Consider some of the truths shared from it below and may it challenge you to pray, act, and give.
A dose of reality:
A woman in a legal Nevada brothel said, “No one really
enjoys getting sold. It's like you sign a contract to be raped.”
A different
perspective: “Slave victims must be looked at as vulnerable,
but that has to be separated from [viewing them as] weak and
powerless. Because the problem is that even now in the modern
abolitionist movement and in intervention and prevention efforts
people are going in and assuming that these victims, that these
[at-risk] communities … and [at-risk] children ... are somehow weak
and powerless. It's that hero complex where we somehow [think we]
have to go in and save them and rescue them. When in reality what
we need to do is go in and empower them.”
An ounce of prevention: “Many
times we think about how we can warn women and girls what to look out
for. But the truth is as long as there continues to be a demand for
those who are trafficked - a demand for prostitution - then this will
continue to happen. So we really have to interrupt the cycle early
by looking at those messages that teach boys and men that women are a
commodity. That sexuality is something to purchase.”
Pray: O
God, our words cannot express what our minds can barely comprehend
and our hearts feel when we hear of women and children deceived and
transported to unknown places for purposes of sexual exploitation and
forced labor because of human greed. Our hearts are saddened and our
spirits angry that their dignity and rights are being transgressed
through threats, deception, and force. We cry out against the
degrading practice of trafficking and pray for it to end.
Act: "Speak
up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for
those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and
see that they get justice." Proverbs 31.8-9
Give: Your one-time gift or monthly commitment empowers us to raise awareness and instill preventive measures concerning human trafficking and the sex trade in Mexico City. Thank you!
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