Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Almost there!

In 2010, our family climbed the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán, Mexico. Our muscles strained, our brows sweat as we ascended the 366' steep climb to the top. What sweet relief to reach the pinnacle and take in the spectacular view.

How many comparisons can I make between that day and our time of itineration :)

We strain in hope, we sweat with anticipation, but alas, we are nearly there!

Assemblies of God World Missionaries must raise monthly support as well as a cash budget.  The cash budget includes monies for airfare to the field, visa expenses, rent/utility deposits, work projects/equipment, language school, and other related expenses.

 Our focus this month is to raise $15,474 in cash.

Please, help get us to the top of the Itineration Pyramid with a one-time gift to our ministry. 
I'm sure the view will be great!

Thank you!

Monday, March 30, 2015

S.A.M and the Pyramid

A last minute cancellation became a wonderful ministry opportunity for us this past week at Fort Wayne First Assembly's Senior Adult Ministries (SAM) luncheon.

Stuart shared a little about what we'll be doing in Mexico City and then I spoke on the three gifts Jesus gave his disciples: He gave them a meal, he gave them a cross, and he gave them his Spirit.

Thank you Pastor Frank and Carol Sitcler and everyone at the Thursday luncheon.
We enjoyed our time with you!

Back in 2010, our family climbed the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán, Mexico. Our muscles strained, our brows sweat as we ascended the 366' steep climb to the top. O, but what sweet relief to reach the pinnacle and take in the spectacular view.

How many comparisons can I make between that day and our time of itineration :)

We strain in hope, we sweat with anticipation, but alas, we are nearly there!

If you didn't know, Assemblies of God World Missionaries must raise monthly support and a cash budget.  The cash budget includes monies for airfare to the field, visa expenses, rent/utility deposits, work projects/equipment, language school, and other related expenses.

 Our focus this month is to raise $15,474 in cash.
And then we reach the itineration pinnacle.

Please, help get us to the top of the Itineration Pyramid with a one-time gift to our ministry. I'm sure the view will be great!

Monday, March 23, 2015

We're in it to win it!

Since we didn't make it to Nashville, IN on Valentine's day (remember our epic Valentine's day at Area 51), we thought we'd try again it on Saturday to break up the drive on our way down to Evansville. We were ten minutes from home when we discovered car trouble. 

Is this a joke?
Are the fates against us?
Would we ever get there?

Fortunately, we got home with no problems, rented a car, and then enjoyed a warm, sunny afternoon in Nashville! 

So glad we made it to Evansville so we could join Pastor Jay and Kimberly Nicoson and Oak Hill Christian Center for a great missions Sunday!

We met and conversed with a lot of wonderful people like Doreen from Zimbabwe, Noel from Jamaica, as well as two youngsters whose family originated from Mexico City.

We spoke in "big" church and kids church on this missions Sunday. Thank you pastors Amy and Aaron DeWitt and all the great Journey kids who helped look for our lost peso. And congrats to Eva who found it!

We're in it to win it!
Although $542 is a great number, it's time to lower it. 

Mexico City March Madness continues all this week so
join the team and help get us through the final elimination round!

Thank you!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Until the Whole World Hears again

So grateful we returned to Indianapolis on Friday to finish out missions week with Pastor Brian and Sheli Correll and New Beginnings Assembly of God.

Elephant thank you to missionaries Bernie and Brenda Smith for the great testimonies coming out of Togo and the West Africa Advanced School of Theology (WAAST).

On Saturday, the Women of Worth (WOW) ministries hosted a fun and inspiring luncheon.

Generosity and encouragement flowed from everyone involved. 
Thank you women of God. I believe in the sisterhood!

Don't forget:
March Madness all the way to Mexico City!
Hopefully later today I'll be sharing a new and improved (and lower) monthly goal :) 
(Just waiting on the official email.)

Let's get this done together!
Become a ministry partner today: http://s1.ag.org/marchmadness2015

Thank you!

While you're at it, join our Facebook group.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March Madness: Final Elimination Round

It's happening!

We're down to needing $635 monthly!

Let's get this done together.
Become a ministry partner today: 

Thank you!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Until the Whole World Hears

Wow, what a wonderful service last night at New Beginnings Assembly of God with Pastor Brian and Sheli Correll

The theme of freedom wove its way through the worship and prayers, as well as through Stuart's testimony. As it usually happens, others came up to us afterward to share how God set them free of drug addiction and alcohol abuse.

As I preached last night, the compassion and hope of Christ motivate us to go into all the world, but it is the power of the Holy Spirit that sets the captive free from drug addiction and sets at liberty those who are oppressed by the sex trade.

Let's continue to share the Father's love, the compassion of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit until the whole world hears of his freedom!

Missions Convention continues all week at New Beginnings.

We're looking forward to hearing from fellow missionaries Bernie and Brenda Smith on Friday at the Missions Celebration Banquet. 
Hope to see you there as well!

Don't Forget!
Play a part in March Madness all the way to Mexico City.
Your monthly commitment will help get us through 
the Final Elimination Round.

Look for updated totals later today and throughout the week.

Thank you!

Friday, March 6, 2015

March Madness: Final Elimination Round

This is it! 
March Madness all the way to Mexico City!
We're in the final round. Only $700 in monthly commitments needed. 

Become a ministry partner today: http://s1.ag.org/marchmadness2015

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Watch, Pray, Act, Give: Human Trafficking

"Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor: 
a modern-day form of slavery."

Psychology of Human Trafficking Updated from Thema Bryant-Davis on Vimeo.

Watch: I hope you take the time to watch this eye-opening video concerning human trafficking and the sex trade. Consider some of the truths shared from it below and may it challenge you to pray, act, and give. 

A dose of reality: A woman in a legal Nevada brothel said, “No one really enjoys getting sold. It's like you sign a contract to be raped.”

A different perspective: “Slave victims must be looked at as vulnerable, but that has to be separated from [viewing them as] weak and powerless. Because the problem is that even now in the modern abolitionist movement and in intervention and prevention efforts people are going in and assuming that these victims, that these [at-risk] communities … and [at-risk] children ... are somehow weak and powerless. It's that hero complex where we somehow [think we] have to go in and save them and rescue them. When in reality what we need to do is go in and empower them.”

An ounce of prevention: “Many times we think about how we can warn women and girls what to look out for. But the truth is as long as there continues to be a demand for those who are trafficked - a demand for prostitution - then this will continue to happen. So we really have to interrupt the cycle early by looking at those messages that teach boys and men that women are a commodity. That sexuality is something to purchase.”

PrayO God, our words cannot express what our minds can barely comprehend and our hearts feel when we hear of women and children deceived and transported to unknown places for purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor because of human greed. Our hearts are saddened and our spirits angry that their dignity and rights are being transgressed through threats, deception, and force. We cry out against the degrading practice of trafficking and pray for it to end.

Strengthen the fragile-spirited and broken-hearted. Make real your promises to fill these our sisters and brothers with a love that is tender and good, and send the exploiters away empty handed. Give us the wisdom and courage to stand in solidarity with them, that together we will find ways to the freedom that is your gift to all of us. Amen. (Sister Gen Cassani, School Sisters of Notre Dame)

Act: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice." Proverbs 31.8-9

Give: Your one-time gift or monthly commitment empowers us to raise awareness and instill preventive measures concerning human trafficking and the sex trade in Mexico City. Thank you! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Forgetfulness and Freedom

 Yay, no snow day for us this weekend! We arrived in Portage, IN on Saturday in preparation for Crossroads Family Church's missions convention on Sunday with Pastor Michael and Paula Bean.

Saturday we were fortunate to greet the youth, share a little about Speed the Light, introduce our ministry and hear all about their exciting missions trip to Guatemala.

Did you notice? I actually remembered to take some pictures this weekend!
No danger of letting this little accomplishment go to my head though, as I accidentally skipped over a page of my notes during our presentation. 
Such is life.
Sometimes you remember. Sometimes you lose your head.

Big thanks to Pastor Bean (2nd from left) for his gracious invitation to attend such a wonderful missions convention. To Jonathan Vitale (far left) who shared his heartfelt call to the ends of the earth. And to Jason Morrison (far right) missionary to the Czech Republic who challenged us to sacrifice more intentionally for the sake of freedom. A freedom that guards us from distractions as well as a freedom that liberates us to give extravagantly to God's missional cause. 
Now this I won't forget!

Andrea Morrison with the little guy. It's been a long day for this MK.

But Wyatt manages a smile regardless :)

We are pressing through to raise the last bit of our financial budget. Please consider a one-time gift or monthly commitment to help us proclaim freedom to the captive of drug addiction and set at liberty those who are oppressed by the sex trade. Every heartfelt offering (no matter the amount) brings us closer to our return to Mexico City. Thank you!