In 2010, our family climbed the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán, Mexico. Our muscles strained, our brows sweat as we ascended the 366' steep climb to the top. What sweet relief to reach the pinnacle and take in the spectacular view.
How many comparisons can I make between that day and our time of itineration :)
We strain in hope, we sweat with anticipation, but alas, we are nearly there!
Assemblies of God World Missionaries must raise monthly support as well as a cash budget. The cash budget includes monies for airfare to the field, visa expenses, rent/utility deposits, work projects/equipment, language school, and other related expenses.
Our focus this month is to raise $15,474 in cash.
Please, help get us to the top of the Itineration Pyramid with a one-time gift to our ministry.
I'm sure the view will be great!
Thank you!