Monday, June 23, 2014

He gave himself so others could live

Missionary colleague Butch Frey posted this on Facebook yesterday:

This morning, in Poza Rica, Veracruz (Mexico), during what started out as a normal Sunday School time at one of our churches, a drug addict entered with a knife and began an attack upon those who were gathered there. One of the deacons placed himself between the attacker and the children and children's worker, and, literally gave his life in the process. Edgar Hernández represents the very best of the Mexican church. Fully committed to the cause of Christ, without an ounce of cowardice, he gave himself so that others could live. God bless Hno. Hernández and his family.

Emergency workers transferred another victim to a clinic with two knife wounds. Apparently, Hernández's wife was also hurt in the attack and is currently in the hospital.

As Butch has already mentioned, please stop a moment now and pray for the Hernández family as well as the church, Templo Cristiano del Divino Redentor, as they sort through this tragic event and the loss of a dear brother in Christ. May the Lord comfort them and surround them with wise and compassionate counsel in their time of grief.

Might we also stop and pray for the drug addict who caused this devastation. He represents countless thousands in Mexico warped by addiction and in need of deliverance. May the Lord surround him also with knowledgeable and wise counsel to deliver him from his addictions and fill him with the Holy Spirit.


If you can read Spanish, this news article also outlines the events of yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful act of selflessness & courage in the face of a crazed drug addict. Yes, of course we will be praying for this church, the community & all of Mexico. Mexico needs a Powerful Revival to knock down the evil there, set the captives free & transform a multitude of lives. Keep being part of the God's solution there -
