Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Will Rest in You . . .

Last week I preached at our home church in Mexico City on Resting in God's Rest. You would think resting would be easy, but as I've learned these last few years, it's not as easy as it sounds. For instance, whenever I face a challenge I like to think it through, make a plan, and then to the best of my ability make it happen. But sometimes, no matter what I try to do, nothing works. Or it gets worse.

Much worse.

And so these last few months, I've been seriously considering what it really means to rest in God. What it means to trust completely in his care and provision . . . like the Israelites had to when they found themselves in the middle of the desert with no water. 

With less whining. Of course.

Like the desert wanderers, I have at times felt alone and abandoned. I begged God to share his knowledge and his plan with me. I wanted him to hurry up and fix everything. But God hasn't been in a hurry. And he hasn't let me in on the plan. So, after expending all my energy to fix our predicament, I finally had a conversation with God. 

"I'm done. It's your turn now."  

I said a little more than that, but you get the gist of it. I am out of ideas. I'm out of energy. I'm tired. If and when God wants me to know and implement his plan - then I will do whatever he says. Until then, Stuart and I will fast and pray. In other words, we will rest in him . . . in his authority, in his provision, and in his providence.

This weekend, I had another opportunity to consider God's rest. Karla, a friend of Sophia from school, asked her to sing this song during their school camp out on Friday. Karla's dad was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few months ago. He's had surgery and other procedures but yesterday, the doctors told the family the tumor has grown. We trust that the doctors will do all that their God-given ability will allow them to do. But what can we do? We can rest in the One who rules and reigns over the universe. 

(Karla is sitting behind Sophia with the guitar)
After worship and the sermon, we had a special time of prayer for Carlos (Karla's dad) and his family.

We appreciate your prayers as well for Karla, her dad Carlos, mom Gina, and her younger siblings Max and Camila. 

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

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