Hello Friends
This year, international travel stalled for everyone amid COVID restrictions and the need to love our neighbors as ourselves. However, 2021 looks promising for Stuart and the whole CompassionLink team as preliminary plans with missionaries and leaders in Costa Rica and other places begin to take shape.
Wendy will continue to train and connect with new missionaries and missionary associates joining International Ministries. Zoom has been a blessing for all of us hindered by travel restrictions, but we look forward to the day when we can meet face to face.
At International Ministries our AGWM competency focus for January is Spiritual Formation.
Having lived most of the past 15 years elsewhere, I didn't anticipate being separated from family this Christmas. Yet, here we are. In a fit of nostalgia, I dug up photos of Christmases long, long ago.
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We, at CompassionLink, are a team of experienced, educated, and equipped missionary personnel who partner with missionaries, community leaders, and ministers across the globe. In a nutshell, we serve those who serve; we equip those who equip; we train those who train. Your partnership helps us to strengthen relationships between missionary and minister, minister and community leader, and community leader and community. In other words, your support allows us to foster the proclamation and the demonstration of the gospel in tangible ways.