Friday, December 25, 2020

The Compassionate Edge DECEMBER 2020

 Hello Friends

This year, international travel stalled for everyone amid COVID restrictions and the need to love our neighbors as ourselves. However, 2021 looks promising for Stuart and the whole CompassionLink team as preliminary plans with missionaries and leaders in Costa Rica and other places begin to take shape.

Wendy will continue to train and connect with new missionaries and missionary associates joining International Ministries. Zoom has been a blessing for all of us hindered by travel restrictions, but we look forward to the day when we can meet face to face. 

At International Ministries our AGWM competency focus for January is Spiritual Formation.

Having lived most of the past 15 years elsewhere, I didn't anticipate being separated from family this Christmas. Yet, here we are. In a fit of nostalgia, I dug up photos of Christmases long, long ago.

Christmas in Jamaica in 2006 ...

and 2007.

Stateside for itineration in 2008.

Residing in Costa Rica in 2009, but spent Christmas in Orlando for LAC retreat.

Christmas in Mexico City in 2010.

New country, new member of the family.

Advent Prayer

Every year on the first Sunday of Advent, I recall our family bringing home the Advent wreath from church. The tin foil pie plate wrapped in greenery with a square of Styrofoam at the bottom to hold the five candles might sound tacky now, but my childhood self only remembers awe and wonder. Our wreath came with the appropriate candles (3 purple, 1 pink, and 1 white) and the prayers to say each night as we waited for the darkness of the season to dissipate and the Christmas light to shine.

"Advent begins in the dark," says Fleming Rutledge. Yet with the hint of the light to come we will light one candle each night for a week. Then two. Then three. Then four. On Christmas morning, we'll light the final, center candle - the Christ candle - and pray,

O heavenly Father, we bless and thank you for your love in giving us a Savior, Jesus Christ, the light and hope of the world. Amen.

Stuart & Wendy

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We, at CompassionLink, are a team of experienced, educated, and equipped missionary personnel who partner with missionaries, community leaders, and ministers across the globe. In a nutshell, we serve those who serve; we equip those who equip; we train those who train. Your partnership helps us to strengthen relationships between missionary and minister, minister and community leader, and community leader and community. In other words, your support allows us to foster the proclamation and the demonstration of the gospel in tangible ways.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Compassionate Edge SEPT 2020

Hello Friends

What a summer it's been; full of traveling, training, and transitioning!

Dwight and Heather McConnell congratulate Stuart for posting the fastest time in his age group at CompassionLink's Walk-Run-Roll virtual 5k earlier this summer.

Stuart and I are grateful to churches throughout Indiana who hosted us in-person and virtually throughout the summer. In October, Stuart heads to New England (I wish I could go!) to be a part of the Southern New England Missions Tour. We have an immediate goal to raise $1000 in monthly support and $45,000 in cash offerings. Although international travel is currently hindered because of COVID, your support frees us to plan future travel with CompassionLink to assist our missionaries and community leaders worldwide in 2021. 

We say it all the time, AGWM is a team. And at CompassionLink we are a team of experienced, educated, and equipped missionary personnel who partner with missionaries, community leaders, and ministers across the globe. In a nutshell, we serve those who serve; we equip those who equip; we train those who train. Your partnership helps us to strengthen relationships between missionary and minister, minister and community leader, and community leader and community. In other words, your support allows us to foster the proclamation and the demonstration of the gospel in tangible ways!

Our CompassionLink team includes educated, experience, and equipped cross-cultural workers eager to learn more to serve our missionaries and community leaders around the world more effectively. Recently, the team headed to the Royal Ranger campground for three days of shallow well training.

As you already know, CompassionLink is a part of International Ministries (IM); one of the seven global regions of Assemblies of God World Missions. As the new Regional Missionary Trainer for International Ministries, Wendy (me) is responsible for teaching and promoting our AGWM competencies. Recently, I met with our new Regional Training Team (leaders from all the ministries under the umbrella of IM) to discuss and plan our monthly competency focus in our respective ministry fields.

At International Ministries our AGWM competency focus for the month of September is Missionary Life & Work.

Check out the events planned for CompassionLink

If you're in the area, join us!

On Oct 6, tour our aquaponics-equipped greenhouse and enjoy a delicious tilapia dinner at our third annual Fish Fry! 

Stuart and CL colleagues prepare the aquaponics-raised tilapia for the fish fry.

Cast for Compassion! 
Join CompassionLink for a day of trout fishing on Oct 15 2020, at Lake Taneycomo in Branson, MO. Your participation help CL provide first aid packs to international communities, and allows us continue to serve people with disabilities around the world. REGISTER HERE

THANK YOU for your kindness, consideration, generosity, and support.
We can do what we do because of people like you!


Almighty and eternal God,
so draw our hearts to you,
so guide our minds,
so fill our imaginations,
so control our wills,
that we may be wholly yours,
utterly dedicated unto you;
and then use us, we pray you, as you will,
and always to your glory and the welfare of your people;
through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. (BCP)

Grace and Peace

Stuart & Wendy

Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Compassionate Edge MAY 2020


Stuart and I knew this would be a year of change, but 2020 so far is certainly not the year any of us anticipated. 

We anticipated travel to visit with family we haven't seen for a long time. We anticipated participating in end-of-semester activities and graduation at Evangel. We anticipated more travel to connect with churches in our district.

That's not what happened, but here are some things that did.

This spring, I (Wendy) concluded my temporary assignment as missionary in residence at Evangel University. Stuart and I are grateful that Evangel and other AG universities are so invested in preparing their students for global service they offer this unique opportunity for veteran missionaries to educate and mentor our next generation of global workers. I celebrate the privilege of working with the World Changers missions club who kept the worldwide mission of God in front of the student body all year through various activities and events. The future of AG world missions looks exceptionally bright in the hearts and hands of the next generation. I offer heartfelt praise and gratitude to my boss, friend, and mentor, Sandy Friesen as well as to the faculty and staff of Evangel's Bible and Global Church Ministries Department for a wonderful experience. Thank you.

Wendy preaching during Global Impact week.

As the new Regional Missionary Trainer for International Ministries, Wendy has been busy gearing up for Missionary Training in June. Our new candidates will be joining us virtually this year as the program goes online to explore and discuss topics like the Theology of Missions, Missionary Life and Work, Understanding Culture, and other competencies.

COVID-19 health guidelines closed CompassionLink's offices for a while, but not its compassionate spirit. The crew volunteered at local churches to pack lunches for children when schools closed, organized a birthday train to celebrate Stuart's big six-o, and rallied around our CompassionLink colleagues, Angelina and Thomas Carpenter as well as our executive director for world missions, Greg Mundis in a desperate fight for their lives with the Corona virus.



Stuart is back in the greenhouse and aquaponics lab looking forward to helping our missionaries and national church leaders with ongoing projects. The team is currently working with leaders on Community Health Evangelism training in sensitive regions, healthy living teaching in areas with high incidences of high blood pressure, and helping community members work with disabled persons.

Stuart preparing for a harvest (of souls and produce)!

To raise funds for these and future efforts, we invite you to participate in CompassionLink's first virtual 5K and WALK, RUN, or ROLL with us June 14 - 21. Your participation helps us say “YES” to our AGWM missionaries partnering with national pastors and community leaders. Click here to register.


Recent events compel me to do a better job of raising the voices of our black sisters and brothers and encouraging all of us to listen better. God forgive me for not doing more of this in the past and God grant me the grace to do better in the future.

If we are serious about eradicating racism in our churches and communities, then we need to get serious about listening better and cooperating with our black sisters and brothers for a more just society. Are we willing to listen? If so, here are a few leaders in our fellowship we should get to know better and some advice they have to offer.

Dr. Shannon Polk, associate pastor at Riverside Tabernacle AG church in Flint, Michigan asks Are You Ready to Take Steps to Eliminate Racism? and offers some initial guidance.

Alex Bryant, Student Life Coordinator at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, suggests ten books about race to help change the way we think so we can change the way we act

Malcom Burleigh, executive director for US Missions, joined with both these leaders and others on A Conversation on Racism in America and encourages us to not seek solutions to racial tension by figuring out a plan first then inviting our black sisters and brothers to the table. He says, "I want to be a partner in the mission not a part of the menu."

Are we ready to listen? I hope so. Because #BlackLivesMatter, too.


Almighty God, you created us in your own image: Grant us grace to contend fearlessly against evil and to make no peace with oppression; and help us to use our freedom rightly in the establishment of justice in our communities and among the nations, to the glory of your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (BCP)

Grace and Peace
Stuart & Wendy

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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

We Had No Idea

Our journey as missionaries began in the early days of July 2005 when our family arrived in Kingston, Jamaica. Just a few sleeps in, a hurricane barreled its way toward the island. Stuart and I anticipated a week of training and orientation in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, what we got were hammers and nails to board up the children’s home. A night of 100 mph winds shook more than the palm branches off the trees and the shingles off the roof.

Our little family had no idea what we got ourselves into.

As mudslides delayed our departure to our children’s home in Christiana, we kept company with the dozens of children, dedicated staff, young missionary associates, as well as veteran cross-cultural servants at the City of Refuge Children’s Home (with the added bonus of no electricity or hot water). Our daily ritual consisted of peering over our mountain vista to measure the progress of the work trucks as they made their way up washed-out roads and nature-made mud barriers.

Finally freed one mid-afternoon, we began our two and ½ hour turned five-hour trek to the center of the island to greet our children at New Vision Children’s Home. Arriving bleary-eyed and a bit shell-shocked, our small staff greeted us surrounded by a smattering of pajama-clad children and teenagers with a battery of inquiries. Our minds whirred from all the recent events and our newfound responsibilities. We desperately needed a good night’s sleep; more than we realized. In just a few days, another hurricane would hit the island.

Seriously, our little family had no idea what we got ourselves into.

We had no idea that in the next few years we’d face island-wide flooding that would close down schools and businesses, hear heart-rending stories of those we cared for, manage a chicken pox outbreak that would keep us knee-deep in Calamine lotion, and hunker down for a few (a lot) more hurricanes (all with the added bonus of intermittent electricity, water, and internet). And that’s just Jamaica.

But hear me now: that’s not the end of the story. That’s not all we faced. That’s not all we got. We also got an ear-full of laughter and a face-full of smiles. We got stories for days and friends for a lifetime. We got buckets of hope and oceans of love. And we got food, people. We got really good food.

Long ago when our journey began, our little family had no idea what we got ourselves into.

But we’re sure glad we did.

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Compassionate Edge ~ January 2020

It's a new year full of new opportunities!

After months of prayer, a year of volunteering with CompassionLink, and an invitation by director JoAnn Butrin, Stuart and I are looking forward to continuing our missionary career with International Ministries. As you know, making disciples in a compassionate capacity has always been near to our hearts; first as directors of New Vision children's home in Jamaica and then later as we served with Teen Challenge in Mexico City.

CompassionLink has a holistic, strategic, and sustainable approach to missions that empowers communities and churches to flourish. For us, joining CompassionLink just makes sense; it combines our compassionate missions experience with an ever-maturing paradigm of what successful missions should look like.

Stuart will continue working with the sustainable development team as well as train with the various ministries under the umbrella of CompassionLink. Likewise, Stuart is looking forward to a lot more global travel (like his recent trip to Burkina Faso). Wendy is also looking forward to coming on board as an educator to train missionary associates who join the ministry family.

Until then, Wendy is looking forward to Global Impact Week at Evangel University in the early part of March. Missionaries representing all regions will engage students in classrooms, chapel services, during hall take-overs and meal times. Wendy (missionary in residence), Darlene Robison (director for Missionary Church Planters and Developers), and Ron Maddux (regional director of No. Asia) will preach about God's global work and everyone's opportunity to participate.

Lastly, Stuart and I are looking forward to connecting with you very soon (especially this summer but also throughout the year). It's that season again to travel, share all the exciting opportunities God has in store for us, and raise the moolah to get it done. We'll be in touch!

Stuart with the CompassionLink team as they began their journey to Burkina Faso.

Please pray for Stuart and me. Although, Stuart and I are confident of God's will in this transition, it's still difficult. No one is more surprised than us at this turn of events in our lives. We appreciate your prayers as we, once again, navigate an unexpected change. Regardless, Stuart and I know from past experience, God is faithful in the unpredictable.

Please pray for Global Impact Week at Evangel University - that students will discern the voice and direction of God; for World Changers missions club - who have a lot of responsibility in making this hectic week happen; and for all the global workers who will share their experiences, offer their counsel, and encourage our future global workers.

Burkina Faso has been in our hearts and prayers since the trip.

Stuart and I are thankful for our friends and families.
Grateful for the future generation of global workers we are mentoring at Evangel.
Pleased with our new ministry family at CompassionLink.
Thankful for your prayers.
Excited for our future.
And so very appreciative of all our faithful supporters.

Jack, our Schnauzer, is a resilient TCK (Third Culture Kanine); 
born and raised in Mexico City, he's adjusting to life in the US.

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