Hello friends,
Stuart continues to work with CompassionLink - an International Ministry with AGWM, as I (Wendy) prepare for my final year as Missionary in Residence at Evangel University,
Just recently, CompassionLink welcomed golfers and guests to a complimentary steak dinner on the eve of its annual Golf Classic. Specialty items from around the world helped to raise funds in a silent auction and exceptional door prizes surprised a few grateful attendees.
Donna Barrett, general secretary of the Assemblies of God, encourages donors at the CompassionLink golf classic.
CompassionLink partners with AGWM missionaries and the communities they serve to find and use locally available resources to create spiritually, physically, and emotionally healthier communities. In preparation, the CompassionLink team customizes seminars, clinics, and projects to adapt to unique environments.
For example, in our last newsletter, I described the aquaponics process of siphoning off fish waste to fertilize and grow vegetables - a sustainable project to feed a family or a village. As you can see (below), the hydroponically grown buttercrunch lettuce that Stuart planted weeks ago thrives in the greenhouse at CompassionLink.
Buttercrunch lettuce thrives in the CompassionLink greenhouse.
Stuart and company build a rocket stove
These are just a few of the many unique ways CompassionLink serves the world.
School’s out for summer, but as Missionary in Residence at Evangel University the fall semester promises two (very) full classes in New Testament Literature and Introduction to Intercultural Ministries. As faculty advisor of World Changers Missions Fellowship, I look forward to a great year promoting missions and mentoring the next generation of global workers.
Even better than building rocket stoves and tweaking lectures, Stuart and I will celebrate with family and friends at the wedding of (our son) Wesley and Katie (Lafon) in July. Then we are off to General Council and Together '19 in August.
Wesley and Katie
Thanks, friends, for your faithful support. See you soon!
Stuart & Wendy
Stuart and I visited my family in Connecticut recently to celebrate my dad's 80th birthday.
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