Thursday, April 19, 2018

We're up to the challenge!

Teen Challenge directors, Gamaliel and Alejandra Cerda, have guided numerous adult and young men from drug and alcohol addiction through a proven, well-structured, faith-based program. Graduates of Teen Challenge Mexico (Reto a la Juventudleave with their dignity recovered and the strength required to take control of their lives to reintegrate with their family, or form a family free of addictions.

Stuart and I have had the privilege to serve Teen Challenge Mexico these last few years to witness such miracles.

As you can imagine, housing, feeding, and training upwards of 20 men takes it toll on the facilities. And for Teen Challenge Mexico, many of their basic necessities have worn out and need replacement or repair.

This is where you and I come in. Gamaliel and Alejandra have submitted a short list of basic necessities that need replacing (like pillows and bedspreads), a few high end repairs (of a refrigerator and freezer), and wish list to upgrade their kitchen (like an industrial blender).

Expenses total a modest $3000. With your help and generosity, we believe we are up to the challenge of raising this amount quickly and get the funds into their hands as soon as possible.

Just follow this giving link and these simple steps:
1. Choose the amount of your offering
2. Click on class 40 in the drop down box
3. Write Teen Challenge in the comment box
4. Press Give Now

Easy Peasy.
Please note, offerings exceeding the expected amount will joyously be given to Teen Challenge.

Thanks for your help!

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward. Matthew 10:42

Y quien dé siquiera un vaso de agua fresca a uno de estos pequeños por tratarse de uno de mis discípulos, les aseguro que no perderá su recompensa. Mateo 10:42

Mexico City Missive ~ We're up to the challenge

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