Here's a snippet of our life and ministry in Mexico City for the second half of the year, 2017.
Teen Challenge Mexico, or as we know it Reto a la Juventud, provides Stuart and I opportunities to preach throughout the year as we did in the month of July. Likewise, I continue to teach English classes on Saturdays and Stuart enjoys his weekly round of futbol with the guys.
As we are able, Stuart and I also visit other Asambleas in Mexico City. In August, we worshipped with Pastors Cristobal (right) and Lourdes at Rios de Agua Viva when they invited our area director, Paul Kazim (center), to preach. I chose this delightful photo for obvious reasons.
September began happily enough with a dinner invite from Teen Challenge directors, Gamaliel and Alejandra at their home and Independence Day celebrations with our Reto family. Yet on the 19th, the anniversary of Mexico City's devastating earthquake of 1985, Mexico City rocked again from a 7.1 magnitude earthquake that left hundreds dead, thousands wounded, and many thousands more homeless. (I wrote more about it here in a previous newsletter.)
Relief efforts began immediately by the good people of Mexico as neighbors went door to door looking for volunteers and donations. Stuart and I, because of your generosity, dropped off supplies at collection sites with our trusty Speed the Light vehicle. Well into October and beyond, Mexico City's resiliency remains strong as they continue the slow process of recovery and rebuilding.
Once again, in November, I had the privilege to speak to some of Mexico City's finest leaders at our monthly ministers breakfast for women. Although I spoke on the strength and courage of Esther, these courageous women of God shared stories that rivaled any biblical character.
In December, Stuart and I enjoyed a visit with all our kids - Olivia, Wesley, and Sophia as they came to Mexico City for the holidays. This new year looks bright with opportunity as both our daughters are set to graduate in May. Olivia from Duke Divinity with a master's degree in Theological Studies, and Sophia from Evangel University with a bachelor's degree in Communications.
Stuart & Wendy