Monday, December 10, 2018

Mexico City Missive ~ Fall 2018

More than just lectures, papers, and exams filled our first semester as Missionaries in Residence at Evangel University. Stuart and I enjoyed our involvement with the WorldChangers Missions Club including Meal with a Missionary (with John and Dina Musacchio) and the annual Bonfire (with students, missionaries, and s'mores galore).

A wonderful Secret Church experience (with Paul & Lana Duda) and a Christmas party (not complete without little piñatas) rounded out our end of semester activities.

However, our responsibilities didn’t end there. Stuart and I also mentor two Evangel students headed abroad next summer as part of their EU studies. (Evangel University requires cross-culture experience for every student - whatever their major might be!)

Much more to come in the spring (including Global Impact week). But before we go, here's another update on the Teen ChallengeMexico project. Along with other improvements, your generosity has beautified the bedrooms with new mattresses, pillows, and bedspreads. ¡Gracias a todos!

Grace and peace,
Stuart & Wendy

Monday, August 6, 2018

Mexico City Missive ~ Summer 2018

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:18-20

Dear friends,

Did you know missionaries receive lots of fan mail? Well, maybe not fan mail, exactly. But we often receive notes of encouragement, holiday cards, and a few inquiries that get us thinking. A few years back, an inquiring mind asked how our ministry focus aligned with God’s purpose. Granted, I may not remember exactly how the sender worded the question, I do remember answering it more or less this way. No matter where Stuart and I are in the world, Jesus’ command to make disciples remains at the center of who we are and what we do.

In Jamaica, making disciples looked like caring for 40 precious children and teenagers at our children’s home. It also looked like teaching at the Assemblies of God Bible College and developing a mentorship program between those two entities.

In Mexico City, making disciples looked like teaching at Anna Sanders Seminary and preaching in our home church and other venues during our first term, and focusing our efforts at Teen Challenge Mexico during our second term.

Suffice it to say, following the call to make disciples has afforded Stuart and I the privilege to love, serve, and minister with many wonderful people in God’s wonderfully diverse world.

Just recently, the Executive Committee of World Missions granted Stuart and I approval for a short-term assignment as Missionaries in Residence (MIR) at Evangel University. This opportunity would not have happened without you. Your support over these last three terms of service (15 years!) gives us the perspective and the experience we need to inspire students in their God-given vocation and help them find their place in his Great Commission. In other words, Stuart and I will continue the process you began in your homes and churches to make educated, responsible, Spirit-led disciples to go and do likewise.

I’ve barely given you a glimpse of all the responsibilities required as a MIR. But as the year progresses, I trust you’ll be impressed with the partnership of Assemblies of God World Missions and our Assemblies of God learning institutions to provide missionary educators to create vision, promote missions, and provide your students guidance as they discover God’s call on their lives.

As I mentioned, the MIR is a short-term assignment (for the 2018-2020 academic years). Then Stuart and I will eagerly return to the field by God’s grace and your continued support. Please know, we need you just as much now as ever. Transitions are never easy. We’ve already hit a few snags that hopefully will turn out to be nothing more than inconveniences. As for now, please pray for us as we settle into a new home and into all our new responsibilities.

Grace and peace,

~ Stuart & Wendy Brown

We met the challenge! A few weeks ago, we challenged our supporters to help us give a generous offering to Teen Challenge Mexico to repair, replace, and upgrade some worn out items at their facility. In fact, you more than met the challenge and so we made these guys, as well as the directors of Reto a la Juventud, very happy. 
Thanks everyone. You're the best!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

We're up to the challenge!

Teen Challenge directors, Gamaliel and Alejandra Cerda, have guided numerous adult and young men from drug and alcohol addiction through a proven, well-structured, faith-based program. Graduates of Teen Challenge Mexico (Reto a la Juventudleave with their dignity recovered and the strength required to take control of their lives to reintegrate with their family, or form a family free of addictions.

Stuart and I have had the privilege to serve Teen Challenge Mexico these last few years to witness such miracles.

As you can imagine, housing, feeding, and training upwards of 20 men takes it toll on the facilities. And for Teen Challenge Mexico, many of their basic necessities have worn out and need replacement or repair.

This is where you and I come in. Gamaliel and Alejandra have submitted a short list of basic necessities that need replacing (like pillows and bedspreads), a few high end repairs (of a refrigerator and freezer), and wish list to upgrade their kitchen (like an industrial blender).

Expenses total a modest $3000. With your help and generosity, we believe we are up to the challenge of raising this amount quickly and get the funds into their hands as soon as possible.

Just follow this giving link and these simple steps:
1. Choose the amount of your offering
2. Click on class 40 in the drop down box
3. Write Teen Challenge in the comment box
4. Press Give Now

Easy Peasy.
Please note, offerings exceeding the expected amount will joyously be given to Teen Challenge.

Thanks for your help!

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward. Matthew 10:42

Y quien dé siquiera un vaso de agua fresca a uno de estos pequeños por tratarse de uno de mis discípulos, les aseguro que no perderá su recompensa. Mateo 10:42

Mexico City Missive ~ We're up to the challenge

Printable PDF

Monday, February 5, 2018

Mexico City Missive ~ winter 2018

Here's a snippet of our life and ministry in Mexico City for the second half of the year, 2017.

Teen Challenge Mexico, or as we know it Reto a la Juventud, provides Stuart and I opportunities to preach throughout the year as we did in the month of July. Likewise, I continue to teach English classes on Saturdays and Stuart enjoys his weekly round of futbol with the guys.

As we are able, Stuart and I also visit other Asambleas in Mexico City. In August, we worshipped with Pastors Cristobal (right) and Lourdes at Rios de Agua Viva when they invited our area director, Paul Kazim (center), to preach. I chose this delightful photo for obvious reasons.

September began happily enough with a dinner invite from Teen Challenge directors, Gamaliel and Alejandra at their home and Independence Day celebrations with our Reto family. Yet on the 19th, the anniversary of Mexico City's devastating earthquake of 1985, Mexico City rocked again from a 7.1 magnitude earthquake that left hundreds dead, thousands wounded, and many thousands more homeless. (I wrote more about it here in a previous newsletter.)

Relief efforts began immediately by the good people of Mexico as neighbors went door to door looking for volunteers and donations. Stuart and I, because of your generosity, dropped off supplies at collection sites with our trusty Speed the Light vehicle.  Well into October and beyond, Mexico City's resiliency remains strong as they continue the slow process of recovery and rebuilding.

Once again, in November, I had the privilege to speak to some of Mexico City's finest leaders at our monthly ministers breakfast for women. Although I spoke on the strength and courage of Esther, these courageous women of God shared stories that rivaled any biblical character.

In December, Stuart and I enjoyed a visit with all our kids - Olivia, Wesley, and Sophia as they came to Mexico City for the holidays. This new year looks bright with opportunity as both our daughters are set to graduate in May. Olivia from Duke Divinity with a master's degree in Theological Studies, and Sophia from Evangel University with a bachelor's degree in Communications. 

Stuart & Wendy