Monday, August 24, 2015

Overcoming obstacles

Last Monday I could hardly wait for the tech guys to come and install our internet. Finally, we would have world-wide access at our finger tips. I could install my Vonage phone and call my family. I could update our blog. I could catch-up on emails. The possibilities were endless!

But then the tech guys came. They saw. And they left.
A two-ton, (seemingly) immovable object parked in front of our house blocked access to the underground cables.
Alas, no internet. No access. No fun.

But what a difference a week makes. The obstacle was moved. The tech guys came back. And now we're ready to roll!

We stepped into ministry a week ago Sunday at a health fair hosted by Teen Challenge (Reto a la Juventud) and led by missionary colleague Sandy Kazim. Sandy put all my medical expertise to work by allowing me to take the height and weight of all the patients :)

Meanwhile, Stuart chatted with a 16 year old resident who has been with Teen Challenge for 6 months. He shared with Stuart his testimony and transformation, and Stuart likewise shared his. 

Here's a taste of the worship service attended by residents and family alike. 

We all face obstacles in our daily life. Obstacles can range from simply annoying (like our internet experience) to life threatening. Some can be moved with great physical effort (like the one in front of our house), yet others need the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome. As you can see, those who have experienced Christ's dramatic freedom from the obstacle of drug and alcohol addiction now know how to worship him in true liberty.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us in Mexico City. Your continued support helps us to partner with ministries like Teen Challenge so that all who seek liberty from life controlling obstacles may find their freedom in Christ.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Back in the Big City

I think I've aged a month this past week with all the last minute sorting & packing, then leaving & flying, and then arriving & cleaning.


Although there is a lot more to do, we obtained SIM cards for our Mexico cell phones and bought a little food and other items for the house.

In the midst of all the hectic-ness that is a part of transitioning to a new country, we did manage to take a little break with our area directors, Paul and Sandy Kazim, to visit one of our favorite places for tacos and churros in Mexico City: El Moro.


Today, Paul accompanied Stuart again to get power reconnected to the house. 

Tomorrow fellow missionaries, Nicky and Janie Rider, will arrive from Chihuahua to help make some repairs on the house.

This week we hope to sign up for internet at the house.

On Sunday we plan on being with Teen Challenge.

And then next week we'll need to visit the immigration office to secure our temporary residency status.


So grateful for all of you; for your prayers and financial support, and for missionary colleagues coming alongside us to make this transition more manageable.

Thanks everyone!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Hey, hey, hey ... we're on our way

While many of you are attending General Council in Orlando this weekend, we'll be setting up house in Mexico City!

It's been a whirlwind of activity around here these last few weeks: a trip to Indianapolis to obtain our temporary residency visas, clearing out our home for rent, and prepping the family dog for return to his homeland.

Although we've done this numerous times before, this time is different as we are leaving all our kids behind in the States for the first time. We'd appreciate your prayers for our family during this transition.

Also, please pray for an uneventful flight, a breeze through immigration and customs, and for all the last minute details to be taken care.

We look forward to returning to Mexico City to proclaim release to the captives of drug addiction and set at liberty those who are oppressed by the sex trade. 

Thanks, everyone!

Printable PDF Summer special edition newsletter 2015