Monday, July 28, 2014

Living wisely with great faith and authentic tacos

This weekend Stuart and I had the special privilege to hear from two wonderful women of God.
We visited Fort Wayne First Assembly to hear Pastor Becky Adams preach on "Living Wisely" as a part of their "Go the Distance" series.

Since we didn't have a scheduled service on Sunday, we visited South West Assembly on Smith Rd in Fort Wayne. They have been faithful supporters of us for 10 years. However, Pastor Steven Walker is on medical leave so we heard from Bridget Simpson, another preacher from Fort Wayne First Assembly.

We enjoyed a challenging sermon about "Great Faith" and prayed for others during a
powerful altar call. Turns out they needed missionaries for next week's service - so they invited us to return!

On the way home, Stuart and I stopped by Salsa Grille at George's International Market for a taste of real Mexico. Although we would rather enjoy them in Mexico City, we are grateful for authentic tacos de carne asada and carnitas so close by :)

Don't forget, next week if you are in the area, Stuart and I will be at South West Assembly of God sharing about missions and our ministry. See you there!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sending! Proclaiming! Releasing!

Teen Challenge is a Christian ministry dedicated to rehabilitating and restoring men and women addicted to drugs and alcohol. Likewise, Reto a la Juventud is the equivalent program in Mexico City.

As we have shared with you on numerous occasions, Stuart and I have an opportunity to partner with this great ministry when we return to Mexico City.

Gamaliel and Alejandra Cerda (affectionately known as Gama and Ale) direct the Teen Challenge in Mexico City. On Sundays, families of residents join their loved ones for a vibrant worship service and a wonderful meal afterward.

 Above, Gama prays over the residents and visiting family and 
below, Ale teaches a seminar.*

Teen Challenge takes a holistic approach to restoration therefore, it provides ongoing training to prepare residents for a productive life after graduating.*

Please pray for Stuart and I as we continue to raise funds to prepare for our return to Mexico City. 
Our heart's desire is to proclaim that captives of drug addiction will be released and that those oppressed by alcoholism will be set free!

Will you join us?

We covet your prayers. Join our Facebook group to stay informed and consider partnering with us financially with a one-time offering or a monthly commitment. 
Thank you for your help.

You may also want to visit and like Reto a la Juventud 
(*these two photos are from their Facebook page).

Monday, July 21, 2014

Pentecostal Preaching and Lunch with Saint Mary

This past weekend, Stuart and I enjoyed catching up with old friends, (as the years go by I notice that phrase takes on new meaning), Pastor Bill and Cindy Richardson at Journey Assembly of God in Terre Haute, IN. 

We met Cindy back in 1990 when Stuart did his pastoral internship at Evangel Christian Center in Fort Wayne (now Hope Church), and then Bill a few years later when they met and married.

During the service, Stuart shared his testimony and then I had the pleasure of preaching on the Spirit of Pentecost.

Later we met this delightful woman, a Mexican Jew from Chiapas, Mexico. She shared with Stuart a tract entitled 4 Cosas que Dios Quiere que Usted Sepa (4 Things God Wants You to Know) that she hands out to Latinos in the area.

The day ended with a wonderful Sunday Brunch at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. 

The food, campus, and architecture were simply outstanding.

If you live in Terre Haute or just driving through make sure to stop by Journey Assembly, say "Hi!" to Pastor Bill and Cindy, and tell them Stuart and I sent you!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

From Whom All Blessings Flow/Shawn Small Stories

I am a guest writer today over at Shawn Small Stories. Stuart and I met Shawn while serving as directors of New Vision Children's Home in Jamaica. Shawn has also written some marvelous books like The Via Crucis and The Via Advent that I personally enjoyed and highly recommend. So click on over to Shawn Small Stories for some adventure and wonder!