God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. ~Acts 17:27
My Pentateuch class at Anna Sanders Bible Institute in Mexico City, just started studying Exodus and I am intrigued by the exceptional part that women played in the history of Israel.
As we remember from Sunday School, there is a new Pharoah in town; one that does not know Joseph nor how he blessed the nation of Egypt. Intimidated by the numerous Israelites, this Pharaoh initiates a three-fold plan to thwart their growth. First he oppresses them with forced labor, then he recruits midwives to kill the newborn Hebrew boys, next he orders the Hebrew boys to be thrown into the Nile.
However, his plan is consistantly thwarted by the women in the story: The life affirming midwives refuse to kill the newborns, loving mom Jochebed hides her son, wise sister Miriam offers timely advice for the newfound infant, and finally the merciful Pharoah's daughter receives Moses as her own. Where would the nation of Israel be without the integrity, creativeness, wisdom and compassion of the women in this story!
When God created Eve he endowed her with a worthy title: helper. Lest we think that this moniker somehow means weaker or less capable let's remember that Israel called upon the Lord by the same name: But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper . . . ~Psalm 146:5.
An appropriate helper is not inferior to the one they help but rather one who is capable and suitable for the task at hand. The Exodus story highlights many helpers who are responsible for advancing God's divine plan of redemption.
Our lives here in Mexico are filled with numerous helpers as well; fellow missionaries, neighbors, and friends who day by day help us acclimate to the culture, learn the language, and partner with us in ministry.
Of course, Stuart and I enjoy helping too. In the last year, we have helped a local church get a new start, taught Bible at our kids' school, preached at church, and taught at the Anna Sanders Bible Institute. And this year we look forward to helping even more.
We appreciate your valuable help as well. You have prayed for us, supported us financially, sent encouraging letters, and remembered us on our birthdays. We can't do this without you.
Thanks for your help.
When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. ~Romans 12:13